What is this?

This is a fake chat app that can be used to test the various ways of deep-linking into installed PWAs, through files, protocol handling, or link capturing (article on the way).

Testing Instructions

  • Use the cross-origin companion site, which has links with target="_blank" that will be capturable, as well as protocol handling links and files.
  • Use the links on the right side of the page to see how target="_blank" is respected if the link comes from the app.
  • See the log below for how things are working, launchParams are sent, etc. See how links to the 'second page' will cause a navigation in the launchParams consumer vs just changing this page's state.

Other Notes

You can change the 'desired window' state of the installed app by going to the app settings (via the toggles menu after installing, or chrome://apps via right-click on the app), and checking / unchecking the 'Open in window' option. All of these APIs will still work, but for a browser tab!

How to change the 'open in window' setting for an installed app.
  • Please file bugs here, or ask questions on pwa-dev@chromium.org.
  • Currently, files and protocol handling always create a new PWA window (if pwa is configured to open in a new window), but link capturing will use a browser tab if there is one open.

Setup Instructions

  1. If the link capturing feature isn't launched yet, enable chrome://flags/#enable-user-navigation-capturing-pwa, with option "Enabled V2, On by default" (remember to revert this later to "Default").
  2. Click to install this site as a PWA. Note that this re-appears if you have the PWA installed but configured to open in a browser tab.
  3. Follow testing instructions above, look at the source code, and poke around!